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Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, vol. 16

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Filip Nalaskowski, Dagna Dejna

Ten Years of Recruitment for Archaeology in Toruń – Candidate Profiles and the Student Recruitment Process.
A Multi-indicator Data Analysis
Adam Golański, Sławomir Kadrow, Anna Krzywda
Field Research in the Targowisko Region in 2018–2019
Marcin Wąs
Early Neolithic Flint Assemblages from the Targowisko Settlement Region
Joanna Abramów
Archaeobotanical Macroscopic Plant Remains from the Early Neolithic Dwelling Structures at the Brzezie 40, Targowisko 16 and 14–15 Sites in Western Małopolska
Piotr Kieca
The Diversity of Weaponry in La Tène Culture Burials in Poland and Comments on the Non-burial Find of a Celtic Sword in Rzeszów
Wojciech Stącel
Hooked Pins in the Przeworsk Culture – Typology, Chronology, Distribution and Function
Iryna Lutsyk
The Medieval Christian Necropolis in the Kopachyntsi hillfort (Ukraine). Unpublished Research Materials
Mikołaj Dobek, Jakub Michalik
Pilgrimage Crosses from Explorations of the Parish Church in Końskowola (Lubelskie province)

Damian Wolski
(review) S. Kadrow and J. Müller (eds.). Habitus? The Social Dimension of Technology and Transformation
(= Scales and Transformation 3). Leiden 2019: Sidestone Press, 230 pages, 15 figures (bw), 65 figures (fc)
Ludmila Kaňáková
(review) J. Kopacz (ed.). The end of the Stone Age on the Stránská skála Hill in Brno – lithic production or
“optimalisation”? (= Collectio Archaeologica Ressoviensis 41). Rzeszów 2019: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu
Rzeszowskiego, 257 pages
Agnieszka Dziedzic
(review) D. Wolski. Krzemieniarstwo wczesnobrązowe w Małopolsce w świetle analizy wybranych źródeł.
Perspektywa traseologiczna [The Early Bronze Age lithic chipped industry in Lesser Poland in the light of analyses
of selected evidence. Use-ware research perspectives] (= Collectio Archaeologica Ressoviensis 42). Rzeszów 2020:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 199 pages
Paweł Kocańda
(review) J. T. Frazik. Zamek w Krasiczynie [The castle in Krasiczyn]. Przemyśl 2020: Przemyskie Centrum
Kultury i Nauki ZAMEK, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu, 200 pages, 200 figures

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