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Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, vol. 17

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Marcin Szydłowski, Some Remarks on Social and Symbolic Significance of the Early Neolithic Longhouses Based on the Applications and Spatial Distribution of Ground Stone Type Tools. The Case of the Linear Pottery Sites from Lesser Poland
Wojciech Pasterkiewicz, Patrycja Skała, New Finds of Bronze Axes from the Carpathian Foothills
Marek Florek, A Preliminary Report on a Search for Artefacts and Verification Excavations Conducted within the Limits of the Old Village of Trójca in 2020 and 2021
Małgorzata Grupa, Krzysztof Jasiak, Dawid Grupa, Filip Nalaskowski, A Child’s Grave Robe from the Northern Crypt of St Anne’s Church in Konotop, Lubuskie Province, Poland
Mikołaj Dobek, True or False – Difficulties in Interpreting the Funeral Dress from the Burial of the “Bride” in the Szczuczyn Crypt, Poland
Jakub Michalik, The Yew Cross from Szczuczyn – a Symbol of Life and Death or an Unusual Memento?
Jan Jarosz, Małgorzata Grupa, Kontush Sashes from the Northern Crypt of the post-Bernardine Church of the Elevation of the Cross in Łuków (Lublin Province)
Igor Dabralet, Jakub Michalik, Małgorzata Grupa, Barbara Gałka, A Double Child Coffin from the Southern Crypt of the Holy Trinity Church in Radzyń Podlaski (19thCentury)
Jakub Michalik, Filip Nalaskowski, Holy Medals with Secondary Holes as Examples of the Recycling of Historical Devotional Objects

Anna Zakościelna (review) Stefan Łęczycki. Takson Jordanów w dorzeczu Odry środkowej, na południe od obecnego Wrocławia. Cmentarzysko z klasycznego oraz późnego etapu rozwojowego na eponymicznym stanowisku nr V na toponimie Biskupicka Górka, na pograniczu byłych katastrów Jordanowa Śląskiego oraz Wilczkowic, obecny pow. Wrocław[Settlement of the Jordanów taxon in the middle Odra river basin, south of present-day Wrocław. Funeral rite at the eponymous Site No V on the toponym Biskupicka Górka, on the border of the former cadastres of Jordanów Śląski and Wilczkowice, the current district of Wrocław]. Wrocław, Augsburg 2016–2021: author’s own release, 226 pages, A4 format, paperback, ISBN 978-83-963506-0-2
Elżbieta Sieradzka (review) A. Bronicki. Pierwsi pasterze III tysiąclecia p.Ch. Groby podgrupy wschodniolubelskiej kultury amfor kulistych. Obrządek pogrzebowy. Chronologia. [The first shepherds of the 3rd millennium B.C.]. Chełm 2021: Muzeum Ziemi Chełmskiej im. Wiktora Ambroziewicza w Chełmie, 284 pages.
Aleksandra Jabłkowska (review) E. Tomczak, A. Szczepanek and P. Jarosz. Gogolin-Strzebniów, stanowisko 12. Cmentarzysko kultury łużyckiej na Wyżynie Śląskiej [Gogolin-Strzebniów, site 12. Cemetery of the Lusatian culture in the Silesian Upland](= Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne 11). Pękowice 2021: Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo, 147 pages.

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