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Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, vol. 18

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Damian Wolski
Tool Dichotomies in a Period of Inter-epochal transition – Philosophical and Anthropological Reflections on Post-neolithic Dual technology
Dmytro Kiosak, Maciej Dębiec, Anzhelika Kolesnychenko, Thomas Saile
The Lithic Industry of the Kamyane-zavallia Linearbandkeramik Site in ukraine (2019 campaign)
Marcin Wąs
Neolithic Flintworking of the Samborzec-Opatów group in Lesser Poland in the Light of Settlement Materials from tonie 9 Site, Kraków commune
Taras Tkačuk
Ceramic “Imports” and Imitation of the culture of tiszapolgár and Bodrogkeresztúr at the Sites of trypilliacucuteni culture
Anna Zakościelna, Kamil Adamczak, Aldona Garbacz-Klempka, Łukasz Kowalski
A cucuteni-Vădastra type Dagger from Site 26 at Strzyżów (S-E Poland) Attests to the Intercultural Landscape of the Eneolithic Eastern carpathians
Halina Taras, Anna Zakościelna, Marcin Osak, Grzegorz Buszewicz , Grzegorz Teresiński
A contribution to the Study of traces of Psychotropic Substances Inside Miniature Vessels and collared flasks of the Eneolithic funnel Beaker culture (fBc) from Poland
Paweł Jarosz, Eva Horváthová, Marcin M. Przybyła, Aleksandra Sznajdrowska-Pondel
Barrow cemetery in zbudza in the Eastern Slovak Lowland
Katarzyna Trybała-Zawiślak, Leszek Potocki, Sylwester Czopek, Tomasz Ząbek
Bacterial Endospores as an Additional Source of Archaeological Knowledge in the Analysis of a Burial cemetery of the tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture in Dębina (SE Poland)
Agnieszka Půlpánová-Reszczyńska, Jana Kuljavceva Hlavová, Lenka Ondráčková, Radka Černochová, Roman Křivánek, Miroslav Radoň, Marek Půlpán
A grave from nezabylice, chomutov District. On the Phenomenon of Inhumation in Stage B1 of the Early Roman Period in Bohemia
Andrzej Janowski
A Surprise from the East. A Quiver or Bowcase Loop from the Ancillary Settlement in gdańsk
Waldemar Ossowski
Shipyard Archaeology in the Southern Baltic
Tomasz Kozłowski, Wiesław Nowosad, Filip Nalaskowski, Dawid Grupa, Małgorzata Grupa
the “cow-mouth” footwear from coffin no. 7 in the Presbytery of the St nicholas church in gniew (Poland)
Beata Miazga, Dawid Grupa, Małgorzata Grupa
Results of Archaeometrical Studies on a Kontush Sash from Piaseczno (Pomorskie Province, Poland)
Stanislav Martyčák
Research on the Bridge in Jestřebí, Česká Lípa District, czech Republic
Michał Jabłkowski
(review) Wojciech Poradyło. Cmentarzysko z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w Machowie (Tarnobrzeg) [A cemetery from the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age in Machów (Tarnobrzeg)] (= Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie 11). Kraków 2022: 330 pages, 18 figures, 174 plates, 5 tables
Tomasz Bochnak
(review) Michał Grygiel. Osadnictwo celtyckie w zachodniej Małopolsce. Ze studiów nad grupą tyniecką [Celtic settlements in western Lesser Poland. From studies on the Tyniec group]. Kraków 2022: Polska Akademia umiejętności, 571 pages, 112 figures, 100 plates, 8 tables

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