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Computing in Science and Technology

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Contents:   Preface   SECTION 1 Adrian Bilski Diagnostics of complex analog systems with parametric faults using Support Vector Machines   SECTION 2 Adam Ciarkowski Diffraction by a half-plane in uniform translational motion  SECTION 3 Vasyl Tchaban, Ostap Tchaban, Zoria Tchaban, S. Kostiuchko The theory of electromagnetic circuits   SECTION 4 Grzegorz Drałus Study the quality of global neural model of chemical complex object   SECTION 5 Zbigniew Gomółka, Bogusław Twaróg, Bogdan Kwiatkowski The fractional order operators applied in the image processing   SECTION 6 Yuriy P. Kondratenko, Oleksiy V. Kozlov, Igor P. Atamanyuk, Oleksiy V. Korobko Computerized Control System for the Pyrolysis Reactor Load Level Based on the Neural Network Controllers   SECTION 7 Tadeusz Kwater, Robert Pękala, Paweł Krutys The approach of implementing control using an adaptive algorithm to generate an estimate for the object described by partial differential equations   SECTION 8 Tomasz Leś, Michał Kruk, Stanisław Osowski Objects classification using fractal dimension and shape based on leaves classification   SECTION 9 Alexander N. Prokopenya On stability of dynamically symmetric satellite cylindrical precession in the elliptic orbit   SECTION 10 G.P. Starodub, V.N.  Karpenko, V.V. Rostovtcev, V.N. Stassenko, A.V. Karpenko Theory and method of energy-wave field analysis for the study of earth resources

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