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Cross-sectoral cooperation in order to solve social problems

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CONTENTS   Introduction ©arka Ulčáková Social entrepreneur and its connection to the modernisation of the society Beata Szluz Partnership for combating social exclusion, on the example, the Subcarpathian social cooperative Katarzyna Błaszczuk Good practices against exclusion. An example of social economy in Podkarpackie Voivodeship Piotr Frączek, Sylwia Drozd Social reintegration exemplified by the specific example of the social integration centre in Sanok Ester Danihelková Approaching the concept of social economy in the CR through the prism of social work – reality and perspective Vendula Gojová What can social work seek and find in the area of civil society? Paweł Walawender Inter-sectoral cooperation exemplified by EU financed projects implemented in Podkarpackie Voivodeship Mateusz Sikora Cultural anthropology and its practical dimension in pro-jects which include cross-sector partnership Tatiana Matulayova, Ilona Peąatová, Zdenka Michalova Opportunities for development of social work in Czech schools Maria Shved Professional competences of a social teacher in the context of cooperation without borders Monika Łagowska-Cebula A graduate in the labour market – a partnership for problem solving Dana Rosová The meaning of life for unemployed people Jitka Reissmannová Experiential learning – developing prosocial students of the Departament of health education faculty of education, Masaryk University in Brno Marie Chrásková The perception of a health disability within society in the context of volunteering and the attitude of Czech and Polish university students to persons with a health disability Małgorzata Stępa Help for the terminally ill and the dispute over the permis-sibility of euthanasia Aleksandra Rachwał Conflict management and its diagnostics in social structure relationship networks Michaela Hřivnova, Jana Majerova Social issues in the Czech elementary school curriculum as related to children with specific educational needs and in the context of cooperation with professional institutions Dana Rosova, Oµga Orosova, Eva ®iakova The meaning of life, self esteem, and social support of homeless people Elżbieta Szczygieł Children rough sleepers – from the analysis of the pheno-menon to an attempt to solve the problem Helena Kalabova, Jan Jihlavec Family in postmodern society Svitlana Kohut Cooperation of educational and social institutions in solving problems of the contemporary family Magda Urbańska Inter-sectoral cooperation for solving the problems of working parents – ad hoc activities or long-term policy? Serhiy Troyan, Pawel Troyan The volunteer movement in Ukraine and its role in the cross-sectoral partnership Agnieszka Belcer, Anna Wojnarowska Development of partnership and cooperation to counteract social exclusion phenomena. To start… why partnership? Notes for authors

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