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Prace Naukowe Wydziału Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, seria: Monografie i Opracowania nr 19
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Chapter I CONNECTONS AND FORMS OF INTEGRATION IN FOOD ECONOMY 1.1. The essence of integration links 1.2. Specific features of agricultural and food markets 1.3. Motives for development of integration links in market economy 1.4. Typology of integration links 1.5. A review of selected forms of vertical and horizontal integrations Chapter II OVERVIEW OF CONCEPTS OF INNOVATIVE INTEGRATION LINKS 2.1. The outline of ideas and the genesis of concepts of cluster structures 2.2. Clusters and cluster initiatives – comparative aspects 2.3. Legal forms of creating cluster initiatives and clusters 2.4. The benefits and advantages of functioning of innovative structures 2.5. Limitations and risks associated with functioning of clusters Chapter III KEY FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT OF CLUSTER INITIATIVES AND STRUCTURES 3.1. Cluster development processes 3.2. Economic determinants 3.2.1. Supply determinants 3.2.2. Demand factors 3.2.3. Structural determinants 3.3. Institutional factors 3.3.1. Institutions supporting development of clusters 3.3.2. The policy of support for cluster structures 3.3.3. Opportunities for developing cluster initiatives in the agri-food sector Chapter IV STATE AND DETERMINANTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF CLUSTER INITIATIVES IN PODKARPACIE IN THE LIGHT OF RESEARCH 4.1. An overview of the functioning cluster initiatives 4.2. The scope and methodology of research on agricultural producers and processing units 4.3. The methodology of research on the opinion of entities running farms 4.4. Characterization of the method of selection of units functioning in the field of food processing 4.5. Factors affecting the development of integration links in the opinion of agricultural producers 4.6. Determinants and development opportunities of integration structures in the opinion of representatives of processing companies Chapter V DIAGNOSIS OF CONDITIONINGS, RESTRICTIONS AND FORECAST FOR DEVELOPMENT OF CLUSTER STRUCTURES IN PODKARPACIE 5.1. The assessment of state and potential for development of cluster initiatives 5.2. The specificity of the agri-food sector and the limits of development 5.3. The mission, vision and objectives of the functioning cluster initiatives 5.4. Recommendations and forecast for development of agri-food clusters 5.5. Courses of development of the province based on clusters SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES INTERNET SOURCES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES
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