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Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture: The Students’ Voices 2

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Table of contents:   Introductory word   LINGUISTICS Tomasz GUZEK A description of the Michigan subdialect Katarzyna JACHIMSKA Differences between British and Australian English Norbert KNUTEL Linguists in the courts of law – an outline of forensic linguistics Damian LIWO On the borderline of cognitive linguistics and relevance theory. Towards new methodology of analysing metaphorical extensions Joanna MAZUR English and Russian proverbs and sayings  containing bird names Wojciech PYĆ Theoretical background for research into the understanding of religious language Mateusz SZAL Phase to phase with sandwich plates – the style and language of technical texts in translation   METHODS OF LANGUAGE TEACHING/LEARNING  Izabela CUKIERDA NLP techniques in education – improving classroom discourse and teacher-learner congruence   LITERATURE AND CULTURE Anna GAJECKA Portraits of men and women in Laura Marling’s lyrics Iga GOSPODARCZYK Martin Luther King, Jr. as the icon of the Civil Rights Movement Judyta HARASIK   Perception of femininity and masculinity among Hispanics in the United States Greta JAGIEŁŁA  The legends of Edgar Allan Poe Damian OLEJARSKI Characteristics of the Polish Diaspora n New York City Daria SOŁEK The Great Gatsby and its film adaptations Małgorzata WARCHAŁ Gender and androgyny in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando Katarzyna WŁAśNIEWSKA “From a luxury for the few to a necessity for the many” – the automobile revolution in the United States Adrianna WRĘCZYCKAHow much of Sherlock Holmes is there n Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes (2009) nd Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)?.

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