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Redakcja naukowa | Agnieszka Uberman, Barbara Niedziela, Karolina Puchała-Ladzińska |
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TABLE OF CONTENTS LINGUISTICS AND METHODOLOGY Dominika DZIURAWIEC Linguistic interference in the process of learning and teaching Krzysztof GORTYCH Change in the occurrence of gestural groups depending on the content of speech Ewa KUSZ Musical intelligence and its impact on second language acquisition: are the students of English philology musically intelligent? Paulina MORMOL Cockney rhyming slang as a disguise mechanism for the prevalent English swear words Judyta PAWLISZKO Spanglish: degraded Spanish or upgraded English? A general description of formal spanglish. Paulina POTĘGA The notion of a specialist language Kamil SĘKOWSKI On phraseology in the language of Polish live sports commentary: an analysis of selected expressions Bożena WO¬NIAK Anglicisms in German – a sign of Denglish in the student’s book DaF kompakt Magdalena ZBOCH Puns in the Polish translations of Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream LITERATURE AND CULTURE Izabela BIEROWIEC An insight into British Asian family models in literature Anna PIECH Korean is the new Asian – Korean Americans and Koreans in contemporary American entertainment industry Małgorzata WARCHAŁ Between utopia and dystopia – a comparative study of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Island Paula WIECZOREK Alfred Hitchcock’s portrayal of women in Psycho (1960)
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