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Spis treści Eros w moralności i kulturze. Etyka seksualna a estetyka Wprowadzenie: Eros w moralności i kulturze. Etyka seksualna a estetyka (Grzegorz Grzybek) Introduction: Eros in morality and culture. Sexual ethics versus aesthetics (Grzegorz Grzybek) Vasil Gluchman, Etika a morálka manľelstva a rodiny starých Slovanov Grzegorz Grzybek, Radosław Malikowski, Between the ability to love someone and sexual morality. Ideas of female students versus life ethos of a female Mira Malczyńska-Biały, Trade-in for a better model: “goods” not in accordance to the contractual agreement Tatiana Maciejewska, Corporality – Aesthetics – Sexuality. Sexuality of Men Exercising at the Gym Anna Steliga, The body “dressed” in art. The value of physical experience in contemporary visual arts Maria Łukaszek, Prisoners vis-à-vis partnership sexual norm Maria Pleskaczyńska, Eros and Forgiveness. The Issue of Forgiveness in Relationship and Marriage Sacrum i profanum w kulturze – Sacrum e profanum в культурі Вступне слово (Тарас Дубровний) Izolda Topp, Między sacrum a profanum. O kulturowych wędrówkach Trzech małp z Nikko Olesya Bilas, The Interaction of “Sacred and Folk” in the Music of Victor Kaminsky to the Play “Marusya Churai” Based on the Novel by Lina Kostenko Anna Shvets, Sacra Nova w kontekście postmodernizmu. Spojrzenie kompozytorskie Włodzimierz Pasicznyk, Profesjonalne i amatorskie podejścia do badań muzycznego folkloru Łemkowszczyzny Emilia Bernacka-Głowala, Religious Motives in the Polish Songs of Lviv Composers of the Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries Contents Eros in morality and culture. Sexual ethics versus aesthetics Introduction: Eros in morality and culture. Sexual ethics versus aesthetics (Grzegorz Grzybek) Vasil Gluchman, Ethics and morality of marriage and family of old Slavs Grzegorz Grzybek, Radosław Malikowski, Between the ability to love someone and sexual morality. Ideas of female students versus life ethos of a female Mira Malczyńska-Biały, Trade-in for a better model: “goods” not in accordance to the contractual agreement Tatiana Maciejewska, Corporality – Aesthetics – Sexuality. Sexuality of Men Exercising at the Gym Anna Steliga, The body “dressed” in art. The value of physical experience in contemporary visual arts Maria Łukaszek, Prisoners vis-à-vis partnership sexual norm Maria Pleskaczyńska, Eros and Forgiveness. The Issue of Forgiveness in Relationship and Marriage The sacred and the profane in culture Preface (Taras Dubrovnyy) Izolda Topp, Between sacrum and profanum. On cultural migrations of Three monkeys from Nikko Olesya Bilas, The Interaction of “Sacred and Folk” in the Music of Victor Kaminsky to the Play “Marusya Churai” Based on the Novel by Lina Kostenko Anna Shvets, Sacra Nova in the context of postmodernism: a composer’s look Włodzimierz Pasicznyk, Professional and Amateur Approaches to Studying the Musical Folklore of Lemkivshchyna Emilia Bernacka-Głowala, Religious Motives in the Polish Songs of Lviv Composers of the Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries
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