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Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy z. 49 (1/2017)

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Table of Contents Monika Bochenek, Alina Zając Measurement and evaluation of the effectiveness of non-investment partnership projects implemented by local government units Georgij Czerewko Decentralization as the factor of sustainable development of rural areas in Ukraine Adam Czudec European funds and a local economic development Magdalena Cyrek Structural changes as determinant of demand for human capital Paweł Dziekański Position and evaluation of the role of cities in the process of development of the region inthe context of financial condition (for example macro-Eastern Polish cities) Małgorzata Gajda-Kantorowska The controversy over the effective methods of ensuring fiscal discipline in the European Union Romana Głowicka-Wołoszyn Decreasing financial self-sufficiency of towns with county rights as an obstacle to their social and economic development Wojciech Gonet Financing transformation of the municipality Grzegorz Hajduk The perception of Rzeszów as a brand – research findings Anna Harańczyk Financial management of territorial units of the functional urban area of Krakow facing new challenges Agnieszka Jachowicz Analysis of the efficient use of European Union funds by communities belonging to the Olkusz District in the period of 2007–2013 Sławomir Jankiewicz A low emission economy as the basis for the development of the region Dorota Jegorow Units of local government as a beneficiary of the cohesion policy in 2007–2013 Marta Kawa, Magdalena Kisiel, Maria Grzybek Selected aspects of life quality of Podkarpacie residents Dariusz Klimek Municipal Fund – the instrument to support the development of housing in municipa-lities Agnieszka Kozera The growing debt of local government units as a threat to local development Ewa Kubejko-Polańska The role of local self-government in stimulating urban development in the context of the construction of age-friendly cities and the concept of Silver Economy Jakub Kwaśny The financial condition of selected territorial governments in the Malopolska Voivodship within the new EU financial Framework Wojciech Lichota The use of EU funds for the tears 2007–2013 and the possibility of obtaining funds for the years 2014–2020 on the example of selected community with the Podkarpackie Pro­vince Roman Lusawa Selected aspects of the efficiency of communes’ investment expenditure in predominantly rural areas of mazowieckie province in the years 2003–2014 Artur Pigłas Budget transfers for non-public nursery schools in Poland Łukasz Satoła Social perception of municipal investments co-financed by structural funds Jacek Sierak Development and spatial differentiation of water and sewage infrastructure in Poland in the years 1995–2014 Monika Bochenek, Alina Zając Management of a partner project co-financed with the outside funds using the method of Project Cycle Management Piotr Sołtyk Determinants of management control activities in selected local government units in the świętokrzyskie province – The results of empirical research Marcin Spychała Spatial diversity of EU funds’ absorption in financial framework 2007–2013 and the chan­ges in economic growth of the provinces in Poland Aldona Standar Dangers in the financial management of local governments and the equalization of the local development Monika Stanny, Wojciech Strzelczyk The measurement of local authorities’ financial condition – the international literature search query Katarzyna Szara, Agnieszka Majka The benefits of the use of EU funds in municipalities of Podkarpacie Romana Głowicka-Wołoszyn, Andrzej Wołoszyn, Agnieszka Kozera Income inequality of communes of Poland Information for Authors

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