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Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy z. 63 (3/2020)

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Table of Contents, Paweł Ulman Changes in household income distribution after the introduction of social policy programmes in Poland, Krzysztof Bartosik The “Family 500+” programme and female labour force participation in Poland. Demographic and economic determinants, Krzysztof Krajewski, Tomasz Zalega The “Family 500+” programme versus the economic activity of women in Poland, Jerzy Żyżyński Salaries and the logic of national income distribution in a market economy – described using a simple model, Michał Gabriel Woźniak A new institutional orientation of the development of science, knowledge and human capital in Poland versus integrated development, Ewa Gruszewska Institutional bases of household income dispersion in Poland and in France. A retrospective analysis, Katarzyna Świerczyńska, Filip Kaczmarek, Łukasz Kryszak Political stability as a factor affecting growth in agricultural sub-Saharan African countries, Paweł Młodkowski Population instability and EU-production function anomaly, Katarzyna Smędzik-Ambroży, Agnieszka Sapa The impact of agricultural policy on income diversity among farmers in the European Union in 2005–2017, Julia Włodarczyk Gender differences in income distributions in Poland, Magdalena Tusińska Inequality of opportunity – gender bias in education in Pakistan, Izabela Ostoj Digital technological platforms – an opportunity or a threat to quality work?, Irena Łącka, Łukasz Brzezicki Efficiency of the research and development activities of technical universities in Poland, Jordan Klimek, Katarzyna Łobacz Knowledge spillovers and innovation: analysis of the relationships between service centres and MSMEs from the regional perspective, Damian Mowczan Regional household poverty and mobility analysis – a transition probability approach, Piotr Wetoszka The allocation of participatory budgeting funds within the context of population ageing and social inequalities, Anita Szymańska, Małgorzata Zielenkiewicz Inclusive development. How is Poland doing in comparison to other OECD countries?, Guidelines for Authors

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