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Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy z. 67 (3/2021)

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Table of Contents

Barbara Siuta-Tokarska
Economics of moderation. Towards sustainable development
Magdalena Tusińska
The digital gender divide. A focus on inclusion through mobile phone use in India
Marcin Spychała
Tax-based forms of state aid in Poland as compared to other EU states
Adrian Sadłowski
Regional differentiation of direct support for farmers in Poland as exemplified by selected regions
Agata Szydlik-Leszczyńska
Conditions for the career development of young people with higher education from a regional perspective
Irina Kolesnikova
Demography of small and medium enterprises in Belarus
Martin Mizla, Denisa Šefčíková, Jozef Gajdoš
Ordering of innovation projects by multi-criteria decision-making methods – a comparison
Jacek Łuczak
Organisation of running events – reducing exclusions and improving the quality of life
Riccardo Valente
Knowledge-based economy: wealth owners portfolio choices and financialisation. A wealth supply analysis
Guidelines for Authors

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