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Spis treści: DIAGNOSTYKA W SPORCIE: Václav Bunc – Diagnostics of sport performance predispositions, Karel Frömel, Jana Vaąíčková, Jiří Stelzer – Multidimensional diagnostic and assessment in physical education, Eugen Laczo, Aurel Zelko – The application of diagnostic procedures in the performance and top sport, Ján Junger, Róbert Kandráč, Peter Bakalár, Terézia Slančová, Klaudia Zusková, Zdenka Uherová, Alena Longauerová – Diagnostics of motor and psychological aspects of physical activity in seniors, Adriana Sovičová, Ivan Bernasovský – The role of genetic background in sport talent identification, Viera Bebčáková, Karol Lukáč – Monitoring of motional activities at physical education and sports education lessons at the second grade of a primary school, Mirianna Brtková, Bibiana ©tefanková, Ivan Uher – Is physical inactivity the biggest problem in contemporary public health?, Karol Görner, Katarzyna Prusik, Krzysztof Prusik – The connection between the length of life, cultural factors and the life style of older women proceeding recreational sport, Iveta Borľíková – Diagnostics of children’s and youth’s motor educability, Rudolf Horváth, Gabriel Harčarík – Diagnosing basic handball skills in primary school pupils, Rudolf Horváth, Marián Vojčík, Iveta Borľíková – Diagnosing and comparing the coordination abilities of Romany and non-Romany primary school pupils, Grzegorz Sobolewski, Sławomir Drozd – Analiza wpływu wyników elementów technicznych oraz czystego pływania na rezultat końcowy na dystansie 200 metrów stylem motylkowym, Wskazówki dla Autorów, Instructions for Authors. Contents: DIAGNOSTICS IN SPORTS: Václav Bunc – Diagnostics of sport performance predispositions, Karel Frömel, Jana Vaąíčková, Jiří Stelzer – Multidimensional diagnostic and assessment in physical education, Eugen Laczo, Aurel Zelko – The application of diagnostic procedures in the performance and top sport, Ján Junger, Róbert Kandráč, Peter Bakalár, Terézia Slančová, Klaudia Zusková, Zdenka Uherová, Alena Longauerová – Diagnostics of motor and psychological aspects of physical activity in seniors, Adriana Sovičová, Ivan Bernasovský – The role of genetic background in sport talent identification, Viera Bebčáková, Karol Lukáč – Monitoring of motional activities at physical education and sports education lessons at the second grade of a primary school, Mirianna Brtková, Bibiána ©tefanková, Ivan Uher – Is physical inactivity the biggest problem in contemporary public health?, Karol Görner, Katarzyna Prusik, Krzysztof Prusik – The connection between the length of life, cultural factors and the life style of older women proceeding recreational Sport, Iveta Borľíková – Diagnostics of children’s and youth’s motor educability, Rudolf Horváth, Gabriel Harčarík – Diagnosing basic handball skills in primary school pupils, Rudolf Horváth, Marián Vojčík, Iveta Borľíková – Diagnosing and comparing the coordination abilities of Romany and non-Romany primary school pupils, Grzegorz Sobolewski, Sławomir Drozd – The analysis of the results of technical elements and pure swimming at the distance of 200 meters butterfly, Instructions for Authors.
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