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Symbiosis of Technology and Computer Science

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Table of Contents: Preface, Section I: Włodzimierz Zuberek –  Linguistic Approach to Specifying Component Compatibility and Substitutability, Section II: Tadeusz Kwater, Paweł Krutys – Estimation of pollution of the river by artificial neural networks, Section III: Piotr Bilski, Simon Rabarijoely – Artificial intelligence-based decision module for the automated soil classification, Section IV: Zbigniew Gomółka, Bogusław Twaróg – Artificial intelligence methods for image processing, Section V: Michał Kruk, Jarosław Kurek – Biomedical Image Processing Using Mathematical Morphology and Ensemble of Classifiers – collected methods, Section VI: Bogdan Kwiatkowski, Robert Pękala – Solving some technical problems with using numerical simulations, Section VII: Adam Ciarkowski – Electromagnetic Pulse Diffraction by a Moving Wedge, Section VIII: Jacek Bartman, Anna Koziorowska, Wasyl Czaban – Mathematical modeling and artificial neuron networks cooperation.

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