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The End of the Stone Age on The Stranska Skala Hill in Brno-Lithic Production or „Optimalization”

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seria: Collectio Archaeologica Ressoviensis

Instead of foreword
I. The questions (Jerzy Kopacz)
II. Geology and geomorphology of Stránská skála (Antonin Přichystal)
III. Petrographic characteristics of cherts from Stránská skála (Antonin Přichystal)
IV. Review of archaeological research on Stránská skála (Jaroslav Bartík, Petr Škrdla, Lubomir Šebela)
V. Use of cherts of the Stránská skála type in the prehistorie times
V.1. The Paleolithic (Petr Škrdla)
V.2. The Lengyel culture (Jaroslav Bartík)
V.3. The Funnel Beaker culture (Jaroslav Bartík, Lubomír Šebela)
V.4. The levišovice culture (Jaroslav Bartik, Lubomir Šebela)
V.5. Late Kneolithic (Jaroslav Bartík, Lubomír Šebela)
V.6. The Únětice culture (Lubomir Šebela)
Stránská skála 2016
VI. Structure of the Bell Beaker culture 011 Stránská skála
VI.1. History of discoveries (Jaroslav Bartík)
VI.2. Fxcavation of Structure 2/2016 (Jaroslav Bartík)
VI.3. Analysis of stone materials (Jaroslav Bartík)
VI.4. Analysis of pottery (Lubomír Šebela)
VI.5. Analysis ofdaub (Jaroslav Bartik)
VI.6. Analysis of bone industry (Jaroslav Bartik)
VL.7. Absolute chronology of Stránská skála, Site IV (Petr Škrdla)
VI.8. Goncluding remarks (Jaroslav Bartík, Petr Škrdla, Lubomír Šebela, Antonín Přichystal)
VII. Expertise analyses
VII.1. Use-wear analysis of knapped products from the Bell Beaker structure on Stránská skála, Site IV (Damian Wolski)
VII.2. Analyses of thin sections. of pottery of the Bell Beaker culturt from Stránská skála. Sile TV, in Brno [Anna Rauba-Bukowska)
VII.3. Archaeobotanical research on plant remains from the structure of the Bell Beaker culture on Stránská skála, Site TV (Maria Lityńska-Zając)
VII.4. Archaeozoological analysis of the materials from the structure of the Bell Beaker culture on Stránská skála, Site TV (Miriam Nývltová Fišáková)
Towards conclusions
VIII. Use o local raw materials by people of the Bell Beaker culture in Moravia (Jaroslav Bartík, Lubomír Šebela, Petr Škrdla, Antonín Přichystal)
IX. Phenomenon of the Bell Beaker diffusion – from the Mediterranean to Transdanubia (Jaroslav Bartík, Damian Wolski)
X. Multi-aspect dichotomy of terminal lithic industries as a marker of the breakthrough times (Damian Wolski)
XI. Late Eneolithic settlement on Stránská skála and around from historical-etnological perspective (Ewa Baniowska-Kopacz, Jerzy Kopacz)
XII. Summing-up (Jerzy Kopacz)
Annex A. Catalogue of pottery from Stránská skála, Site IV, Structure 2/2016 (Lubomír Šebela)
Annex B. Stránská skála 2016 in photographs (Dariusz Kulbieda)
Bibliographic references
Index of locality names
The authors

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