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CONTENS Introduction Volodymyr Svyrydiuk Prospective approaches to forming of communicative competence of students of master’s degree in nursing Olga Goraj The main principles of nurses’ training to the sanitary-hygienic education with the pupils in Ukraine and Poland Svetlana Gordijchuk The principles and methodology of the credit-modular system implementation into the nurses’ training process in Ukraine Pavlo Jaworskyi Application of spiral computed tomography at different degrees and types of obesity in women with leiomyoma of uterus Zdzisława Chmiel, Elżbieta Latacz Nursing care in theory and practice based on a selected case Iryna Makhnovska Scientific and theoretical approaches and principles of constructing the model of professional training in nursing in Ukraine Olena Sviridyuk Forming health saving competence and spiritual values of medical sisters by the information technologies Alla Olinichenko Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and metabolic syndrome Antonina Krapivina Recent death rate tendencies of Ukrainian population in gender aspect Victor Shatylo Problems and challenges of nursing development in Ukraine Victor Shatylo The experience of nursing development as a scientific speciality and its implementation prospects in Ukraine Natalia Shygonska Tolerance’ role and significance in nurses’ managerial activity and professional interaction Alla Olinichenko Role of medical sisters in prophylaxis of gastroesophageal reflux disease combined with metabolic syndrome Ewa Smoleń, Justyna Naleśnik Professional plans of nursing students in Jan Grodek High Vocational School of Sanok Dorota Czyż, Małgorzata Marć Documentation of nurturing a child with diabetes treated with insulin pump on the basis of on the classification ICNP ® Dawid Makowicz, Mateusz świszcz, Natalia śliwa Involvement in honourable blood donation among nurses and students Małgorzata Marć, Jan Rutowski, Józef Ryżko Selected issues in pediatric pharmacotherapy and their background
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