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Vis essentialis i entelechia. Caspara F. Wolffa oraz Hansa A.E. Driescha parametryczny wymiar świata organicznego


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„Vis essentialis and entelechy. Caspar F. Wolff’s and Hans A.E. Driesch’s parametric dimension of the organic world”
The books deals with central categories – vis essentialis and entelechy – developed by C.F. Wolff and H. Driesch in the context of biological quantitative and qualitative changes. The author shows that they used both concepts within a similar methodology to explain epigenesis and un-derstand it on the basis of research on different animal organisms. In this regard, he proves that Wolff’s research on organogenesis and Driesch’s research on regeneration (regulation) were aimed at elaborating perma-nent causal factors explaining the biological phenomena taking place in organisms.
Both scholars understood the scope of the fundamental concepts analogously to the categories used in physics and chemistry, which involve measurable quantities such as force, mass or energy, which are predictable under certain conditions. However, it was eventually proved that both categories – vis essentialis and entelechy – remain problematic from the viewpoint of modern scientific methodology and its method towards understanding the basis of organic development. The research presented as a whole shows an attempt to create a parametric vision of morphogenesis developed by both Wolff and Driesch.

Spis treści
Rozdział I
Założenia wyjściowe Caspara Friedricha Wolffa oraz Hansa Driescha ukierunkowane na odkrywanie epigenetycznych swoistości rozwojowych
Rozdział II
Empiryczne dane obserwacyjno-eksperymentalne w badaniach epigenetycznych Caspara Friedricha Wolffa oraz Hansa Driescha
Rozdział III
Vis essentialis i entelechia. Morfogenetyczny wymiar przyczynowości organicznej
Rozdział IV
Współczesna analiza metodologiczna naukowych aspektów badań biologicznych Caspara Friedricha Wolffa oraz Hansa Driescha
Ilustracje. Zmiany jakościowe w rozwoju epigenetycznym dostrzegane przez Wolffa

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