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ONTENTS, ARTICLES, STEFAN BABIARZ Taxation of inheritance and donation acquisition in Ukraine EWA BONUSIAK Administrative and legal supervision of the Veterinary Inspection over food safety in Poland – selected issues SZYMON DUBIS Police cooperation with the enforcement authorities in the enforcement proceedings in administration JANA HAVLOVÁ Discrimination in Recruitment against Czech Citizens with Hearing Impairment KAROL HERMANOWSKI Legal aspects of the Police cooperation with the National Forest Holding BARBARA JAWORSKA-DĘBSKAThe place and role of the Police in upbringing in sobriety and counteracting alcoholism BOGDAN JAWORSKI Administrative and legal dimension of the Police cooperation with international entities KONRAD KĘDZIERSKI Legal forms of action in the Police ANETA KOWALCZYK Mediator and their role in collective disputes EWA KUBAS Police social and organizing activities undertaken to protect public safety and order 2 PAWEŁ LESIŃSKI Rechtsstaat and it’s legal order according to Robert von Mohl MARIAN ANDRZEJ LIWO Police cooperation determinants with the National Labour Inspectorate MARCIN MAMIŃSKI Human Rights. Poland and the UN declarations on Human Rights RADOSŁAW OLSZEWSKI Selected procedural rules concerning the defendant and the regime of administrative responsibility STANISŁAW PIEPRZNY Cooperation of the Police with non-governmental organizations in the field of security and public order DOMINIKA ROZBORSKA Cooperation and collaboration between the Polish Police and Armed Forces of the Re-public of Poland in terms of ensuring security and public order MAGDALENA SITEK Legal framework for the Police cooperation with non-governmental organizations in the field of promoting children’s rights PIOTR KRZYSZTOF SOWIŃSKI From “waiver of indictment” to “withdrawal of indictment”. Remarks on Article 14 § 2 of the Criminal Code, ELŻBIETA URA Police efforts during the coronavirus epidemic , PAULINA URA Decision as a legal form of issuing a weapon license for a Police officer AFFILIATIONS

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