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Slavic and other Languages in a Contrastive Perspective

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    TABLE OF CONTENTS   I. SEMANTICS OF LINGUISTICS UNITS   Jolanta KUR-KONONOWICZ On the Names of Soups in the Polish and Russian Languages of the 19th Century in a Comparative Perspective (selected issues) Olga MOLCHANOVA On the Yenisean Peoples’ Traces in Place Names of Altai (Russia) Dorota OSUCHOWSKA The Productivity of English and Polish Food Words in Creating Euphemisms Anna STASIENKO On the Semantics of Russian, Polish and English Nomina Essendi Lucyna WILLE Conceptualisation of Selected Phenomena of Social Life in English, German, Spanish and Polish   II. PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONS OF LINGUISTIC UNITS   Artur CZAPIGA Pragmatic Analysis of the Speech Acts of Approval and Disapproval in English, Polish and Russian   III. TRANSLATION OF LINGUISTIC UNITS   Anna RUDYK Russian Evaluative Predicatives and their Polish Translational Equivalents Tamara RYZNER Slang in Joyland by Stephen King and its Polish Translation

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