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Malcolm Davies, Sabine Müller
Deioces the Mede – Rhetoric and Reality in Herodotus 1.99
Ryszard Kulesza
Marathon and Thermopylae in the mémoire collective
Sabine Müller
Onesikritos und das Achaimenidenreich
Marek Jan Olbrycht
First Iranian military units in the army of Alexander the Great
Franca Landucci Gattinoni
Diodorus 18. 39.1–7 and Antipatros’s Settlement at Triparadeisos
Jeffrey D. Lerner
A Reappraisal of the Economic Inscriptions and Coin Finds from Aï Khanoum
Eduard V. Rtveladze
Parthians in the Oxus Valley. Struggle for the Great Indian Road
Michał Marciak
Seleucid-Parthian Adiabene in the Light of Ancient Geographical and Ethnographical Texts
Leonardo Gregoratti
A Parthian port on the Persian Gulf: Characene and its trade
Martin Schottky
Sanatruk von Armenien
Tomasz Polański
A Collection of Orientalist Paintings in the Imperial Private Gallery in Naples
Massimiliano Vitiello
The “Light, Lamps, and Eyes” of the Persian Empire and the Gothic Kingdom in Justinian’s Time: A Note on Peter the Patrician and Cassiodorus
Martin Schottky
Nicholas Sekunda (ed.), ERGASTERIA: Works Presented to John Ellis Jones on his 80th Birthday, Gdańsk 2010
Michał Marciak
Ursula Hackl, Bruno Jacobs, Dieter Weber (Hrsg.), Quellen zur Geschichte des Partherreiches. Textsammlung mit Übersetzungen und Kommentaren, Göttingen 2010
Michał Marciak
Steve Mason, Josephus, Judea, and Christian Origins: Methods and Categories, Peabody, MA 2009
Sławomir Jędraszek
Sabine Müller, Das hellenistische Königspaar in der medialen Repräsentation: Ptolemaios II. und Arsinoe II, Berlin/New York 2009
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