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Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia 8/2017

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CONTENTS   ARTICLES   Edward Lipiński (Belgium) Lettres de pharaons aux derniers rois d’Ugarit Michał Podrazik (Poland) The skēptouchoi of Cyrus the Younger Waldemar Heckel (Canada) Was Sibyrtios ever Satrap of Karmania? Marc Mendoza Sanahuja (Spain) Stasanor of Soloi and the Government of Bactria during the Wars of the Diadochi Daniel T. Potts (USA) Appointment in Apollonia Adalberto Magnelli (Italy), Giuseppe Petrantoni (Italy) A Note on 7Q19, a Greek Fragment of Jubilees from Qumran? Nikolaus L. Overtoom (USA) The Parthians’ Unique Mode of Warfare: a Tradition of Parthian Militarism and the Battle of Carrhae Seth Richardson (USA) A Note on the Name “Sinnaces” and Armenian Claims on an Assyrian Royal Background Jordi Pérez González (Spain) Ex Oriente Luxus. Marco teórico sobre la existencia de una red libre de escala y el uso de superconectores durante el Alto Imperio romano Ehsan Shavarebi (Austria) Sakastān in der frühen Sasanidenzeit: Münzprägung und Geschichte Robert Sebastian Wójcikowski (Poland) Helmets, Crowns or Hats? The Headgears on the Early Sasanian Rock Reliefs Martin Schottky (Germany) Vorarbeiten zu einer Königsliste Kaukasisch-Iberiens. 6. Herrscher im Umkreis Petrus des Iberers Frank Schleicher (Germany) Die Gogarene im ausgehenden fünften Jahrhundert. Politische Handlungsspielräume und religiöser Pragmatismus Alireza Askari Chaverdi (Iran) Fluted Conical Pedestals for Altars from the Persian Gulf Coast: Bardestan Touraj Daryaee (USA) Middle Persian Graffiti on Sāsānian and Arab-Sāsānian Coins at the American Numismatic Society   REVIEW ARTICLES   Michał Podrazik (Poland) Rebellions against the Great King in the Achaemenid Empire: Some Remarks Valentina I. Mordvintseva (Russia) Sarmatian Treasures Reconsidered. Some Remarks on the New Book by Leo Klein Marek Jan Olbrycht (USA, Poland) Slipper Coffins and Funerary Practices in Parthia   REVIEWS   Luisa Prandi (Italy) Michael Rathmann, Diodor und seine Bibliotheke. Weltgeschichte aus der Provinz, (Klio – Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Band 27) Berlin-Boston: W. De Gruyter 2016 Martin Schottky (Germany) Jan P. Stronk, Semiramis’ Legacy. The History of Persia According to Diodorus of Sicily, (Edinburgh Studies in Ancient Persia), Edinburgh: University Press, 2017 Jacek Rzepka (Poland) Sabine Müller, Die Argeaden. Geschichte Makedoniens bis zum Zeitalter Alexanders des Großen, Padeborn/München/Wien: Schöningh 2016   Abbreviations   Addresses of Authors

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