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Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture: The Students’ Voices 5

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TABLE OF CONTENTS / INHALTSVERZEICHNIS   LINGUISTICS / LINGUISTIK   Krzysztof K. GORTYCH, Anna JAKOSZ Do inherent modes of gestural behaviour prevail over gestures induced by acquired factors? An overview of changes in gesticulation’s ratios from the temporal perspective Patrycja KˇKOL The concept of war in the language of business Katarzyna KOPCZYK On zoosemy in George Orwell’s Animal Farm Paulina MORMOL Words you cannot say on television – a comparative study of expletives unwelcome in Polish and English broadcast Judyta PAWLISZKO Psycholinguistically conditioned code-switching: Triggering and trigger-words Elżbieta PIENIˇŻEK-NIEMCZUK The art of rhetoric reflected in the American political campaign of 2012 Paulina POTĘGA A frame based representation of MANAGER Mateusz D. S. ROGALSKI Vowel mergers in the vernacular of Meriden, Connecticut Sylwia SZUMIGRAJ Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 this b8 8/8 – an analysis of Internet slang Łukasz ZUBA Contact linguistics: The convergence of English and Japanese in contemporary cinematography   APPLIED LINGUISTICS / ANGEWANDTE LINGUISTIK   Katarzyna BEDNARZ Zur Entwicklung der Fertigkeit Sprechen im Fremdsprachenunterricht – am Beispiel der ausgewählten DaF-Lehrwerke für die polnischen Oberschulen Anna DZIURA The potential of technology for developing speaking competence in a foreign language: Implications for an EFL classroom Karolina OLSZAŃSKA To censor or not to censor? – translating songs in movies for children Arkadiusz PIETLUCH The incidence of bullying in schools – scope, implications and an overwiew of methods of counteraction Joanna ŻELAZNY Shakespearean humour in translation. A comparison of Polish translations of William Shakespeare’s wit   LITERATURE AND CULTURE / LITERATUR UND KULTUR   Paulina OGORZAŁEK Das Bild der Frau im Werk Der Vorleser von Bernhard Schlink Alexandra SKÓRKA, Paweł NIEMIEC The peculiar case of Mr. Anderson’s approach to film-making – the old-timey/new-timey feel of Wes Anderson’s cinematography Paula WIECZOREK The doppelganger motif in R. L. Stevenson’s Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) and Stephen King’s The dark half (1989)

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