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Znaczenie środkowoeuropejskiego dyskursu akademickiego i medialnego w rozwoju socjologii środowiska


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The significance of central European Academic and media discourse in the development of environmental sociology

Table of Contents
Environmental sociology in the world, in Europe and in Poland
The subject of research in environmental sociology
The place and role of the environment in general sociology
Causes and effects of environmental degradation
Theoretical foundations of American environmental sociology and European sociology of the environment
Research methods and directions in American environmental sociology and European sociology of the environment
Other national environmental sociologies
Environmental research issues in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine
Creation of a global environmental sociology
Ecology – the genesis of the discipline and directions of its development
Sources of environmental science
Ecology and the genesis of a new paradigm
The importance of the environment in natural sciences
Protection of nature versus protection of the environment
Research basis for scientific projects carried out in Central and Eastern Europe
Characteristics of the research spatial scope: south-eastern Poland, eastern Slovakia and western Ukraine
Quantitative methods and research techniques used in research of the academic com-munity
The Application of Critical Discourse Analysis in the study of press discourse
Characteristics of official documents concerning the state of the environment in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine
The state of the environment in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine
The state of the environment in the second half of the twentieth century in Central and Eastern Europe
Air quality – main problems, causes and consequences
Greenhouse gas emissions – threats and prevention
The condition of surface water and groundwater as well as sewage production – causes of pollution
Soil contamination – causes and effects
Biodiversity – its wealth, loss and protection
Forests – main threats and challenges
Waste and problems with its management
Other specific environmental challenges in Poland and Ukraine
Summary – a comparison of the state of the environment in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine
Perception of threats and environmental protection by the academic community
The essence of environmental intelligence and awareness
Environmental intelligence and awareness among members of environmental movements
The state of environmental intelligence among students
The level of environmental awareness among students
The state of environmental intelligence among academic teachers
The level of environmental awareness among academic teachers
A comparison of the state of environmental intelligence and awareness of students and academic teachers
Environment in the visual discourse of selected weeklies in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine
The use of selected CDA threads in the visual press discourse
Presentation and qualitative analysis of visual discourse
Comparison of the visual discourse of three weeklies
Press discourse versus the state of the environment in selected countries
List of tables, maps and photography

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