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Transborder Economics Tom 1 Nr 2 (2016)

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CONTENTS   From the Editors Articles JEAN-LOUIS BODIN Defending Transborder Integrity of Official Statistics and the Independence of Statisticians ADAM CZUDEC, ANDRIY MYKYTYAK The Scale and Causes of Migration from Border Areas of Ukraine (Illustrated by the Case of Lviv Region) RYSZARD KATA Benefits and Risks Arising from Progressive Integration of Financial Markets in the European Union TOMASZ LECHOWICZ The Development of the Residential Real Estate Market in Central and Eastern Europe in Comparison with the United Kingdom VASILIY M. SIMCHERA, SERGEY V. NESTEROV, YAN V. SIMCHERA Bilateral Transborder Economics: Methods and Technologies to Counteract the Official Data Falsifications JÓZEF OLEŃSKI Transborder Processes in Fragile Countries DANUTA PIĘCIAK-KOTLARZ, JAN GAWEŁKO, KONRAD WILK, SEBASTIAN WÓJCIK, ANDRZEJ KAWECKI, DAMIAN SIKORSKI The Impact of Social and Moral Changes on the Incidence Trends as Illustrated by the Laryngeal Cancer in Females in Podkarpackie Voivodship and Preąov Region EWA SZKIC-CZECH Global Financial Recession and Identification of its Symptoms in Local Transborder Economies SERHII USTYCH, ALEX ROVT, SVITLANA PIASETSKA-USTYCH A System Approach to Quantify Development of Modern Transborder Processes DARIUSZ ZAJˇC Economic Activity of the Population in Developing Non-Agricultural Sphere in Border Poviats of Podkarpackie Voivodship Reviewers 2016

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