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Dydaktyka Polonistyczna nr 5(14)2019

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„Dydaktyka Polonistyczna” jest kontynuacją czasopisma „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna. Dydaktyka”.


RYSZARD STRZELECKI The Christian hope in the post-modern world (essence – loss – restoration). The cultural studies reflection


MAGDALENA WASIELEWSKA Conversion as a topic of poetry – Roman Brandstaetter’s path to Christianity
JOANNA KOGUT A cultural perception of biblical Lifetree (in the Christian tradition and the post-modern culture)
ANETA ANNA NAZAREWICZ Man and God in Amelia Hertz’s dramas
ROMAN MAGRYŚ Critical thinking and formal logic in literary research based on the example of selected works by Ignacy Kracicki
ZOFIA OŻÓG-WINIARSKA, JERZY WINIARSKI Literary emancipation of romantic poetic groups in Warsaw’s periodicals in 1829–1830. In the “Melitele” circle
MATEUSZ KUCAB The doll and the absentia. Some remarks about the characters of The Vampire by Władysław Stanisław Reymont
MAJA MOSKWA Charlie Chaplin – personality of the cinema
MARTA BOLIŃSKA Synectics by Kornel Makuszyński (Satan from the 7th grade)


JOLANTA FISZBAK Problems, needs and objectives of the academic methodological units (voice in discussion)
BEATA BURSKA-RATAJCZAK Unfortunate communication relation between teacher and student in contemporary novels for young people
KATARZYNA ŚWIERCZ Didactic aspects of a novel for girls on the example of selected works of Marta Fox
MARIA OSTASZ, MARTA PUSTUŁA About editorial distinctions in books supporting language exercises
MIROSŁAW GRZEGÓRZEK The figure characteristics in the chosen methodical handbooks for teaching the Polish language before the Second World War
URSZULA KOPEĆ High school graduates about values – declarations, expectations, conclusions
MAŁGORZATA BOŻEK Fake news in the era of post-truth. Theory and practice
RYSZARD JEDLIŃSKI Reportage in a high school
MAŁGORZATA BOŻEK The polish system of film production. The role of film producent


MAREK NALEPA Underestimated poem. On Jerzy Winiarski’s book Around „The Chocim War” by Ignacy Krasicki. The possible discourse of the text of culture
WOJCIECH KACZMAREK Review of Homo ludens kultury współczesnej (Homo ludens of contemporary culture) by Ryszard Strzelecki

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