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Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia 1/2010

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Contents: Marek Jan Olbrycht – Józef Wolski 1910–2008. an Epitaph, Muhammad A. Dandamayev – ©ūzubu, a Citizen of Uruk in the Sixth Century B.C., Boris A. Litvinskii – Problems of the History and Culture of Baktria in Light of Archaeological Excavations in Central Asia, Tom Boiy – Between the royal administration and local elite: the pāhātu in Hellenistic Babylonia as epistates?, Jeffrey D. Lerner – Revising the Chronologies of the Hellenistic Colonies of Samarkand-Marakanda (Afrasiab II–III) and Aï Khanoum (northeastern Afghanistan), Eduard V. Rtveladze – The Great Indian Road: India – Central Asia – Transcaucasia, Igor V. Piankov – The Tochari – Who Are They?, Aleksei Gorin – Parthian Coins from Kampyrtepa, Jérôme Gaslain – Mithridates Ier et Suse, Marek Jan Olbrycht – The Early Reign of Mithradates II the Great in Parthia, Vladimir A. Livshits – The Avroman Parchment III in Parthian, Valentina Mordvintseva – Tillya-tepe gold jewellery and its relation to the Sarmatian Animal Style of the Northern Black Sea area, Martin Schottky – Armenische Arsakiden zur Zeit der Antonine. Ein Beitrag zur Korrektur der armenischen Königsliste, Dieter Metzler – Arsakiden und andere parthische Fürsten als Anhänger fremder Religionen, Touraj Daryaee – Ardaxąīr and the Sasanians’ Rise to Power, Daryoush Akbarzadeh – A New Collection of Sasanian Coins in the National Museum of Iran, Valerii P. Nikonorov – “Like a Certain Tornado of Peoples”: Warfare of the European Huns in the Light of Graeco-Latin Literary Tradition, Hubertus von Gall – Ein Kopf des Darius am ehemaligen Postfuhramt in Berlin, REVIEWS: M. Schottky – Edward Dąbrowa (ed.), Studies on the Greek and Roman Military History (Electrum. Studies in Ancient History 14), Jagiellonian University Press, Kraków 2008, M.J. Olbrycht, R.S. Wójcikowski – V.A. Zavialov, Kushanshahr pri Sasanidakh. Po materialam raskopok na gorodishche Zartepa (Kushanshahr under the Sasanians. On the results of excavations of the Zartepa site), Fakul’tet filologii i iskusstv Sankt-Peterburskogo gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Sankt-Peterburg 2008, Abbreviations, Guidelines to Contributors.

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