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CONTENTS ISSUE 1: MACEDONES, PERSIA ET ULTIMA ORIENTIS Franca Landucci (Italy) Alexander, the Crown Prince Sabine Müller (Germany) Alexander and Macedonian Relations with Thebes – A Reassessment Luisa Prandi (Italy) Byzantium and Alexander the Great: A Convergence of Interests Nicholas Victor Sekunda (Poland) Alexander and Demaratus of Corinth at the Battle of the River Granicus Silvia Panichi (Italy) Alexander and Cappadocia Marek Jan Olbrycht (Poland) Alexander the Great in Sittakene and the Reorganization of his Army (331 B.C.) Waldemar Heckel (Canada) Artabazos in the Lands Beyond the Caspian Jeffrey D. Lerner (USA) Alexander’s Settlement of the Upper Satrapies in Policy and Practice Eduard V. Rtveladze (Uzbekistan) Alexander the Great’s Campaign in Basand (Baisun) Luis Ballesteros Pastor (Spain) Zopyrion’s Scythian Campaign: Historical and Historiographical Problems Tomasz ślęczka (Poland) An Ambiguous Hero: Alexander of Macedon in Old Polish Literature: Selected Aspects ISSUE 2: VARIA ASIATICA Altay Coşkun (Canada) The Liberation of Judaea and Early Maccabaean Diplomacy with Rome according to Justin (36.3.9), Diodorus (40.2/4) and Caesar (Jos. Ant. Jud. 14.10.6 [205]) Andrea F. Gatzke (USA) Bilingualism and the Monumental Landscape in the Triodos of Ephesos Eduard Rung (Russia), Aleksandr Sapogov (Russia) The Aftermath of the Peace of Callias Jeffrey D. Lerner (USA) Die Studies of Six Greek Baktrian and Indo-Greek Kings THE HISTORY OF SCHOLARSHIP Joanna Pisulińska (Poland) History of the Middle and Far East in the Studies of Scholars in Lwów (1918–1939) Alexander A. Sinitsyn (Russia) Frolov’s Torch: The Russian Historian of Antiquity is LXXXV REVIEWS Jeffrey D. Lerner (USA) Pavel Olegovich Novik, Sardoba Maverannahra (po marshrutnym issledovaniiam) [П.О. Новик, Сардоба Мавераннахра (по маршрутным исследованиям 2015–2017 гг.)], Tashkent: Baktria Press 2017 Nicholas Victor Sekunda (Poland) Geoff Lee, Helene Whittaker, Graham Wrightson (eds.), Ancient Warfare: Introducing Current Research, Vol. I, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2015 Abbreviations
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