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Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia, nr 12-13 (2021-2022): Cities, Trade, and Roads: From the Mediterranean to Iran and the Indus Valley

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Marek Jan Olbrycht (Rzeszów University, Poland), Sabine Müller (Marburg Univer- sity, Germany)

Ancient Cities, Trade, and Roads: An Introduction

Sabine Müller (Marburg University, Germany)

Methone – A Coastal City between Athens and Argead Macedonia

Eloisa Paganoni (Universität Münster, Germany)

Cities and Routes in Hellenistic Northern Anatolia

Franca Landucci (Catholic University of Milan, Italy)

Alexander’s City Network

Karlheinz Kessler (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany)

Dūra am Tigris im nördlichen Babylonien und der Salzhandel

Enrico Foietta, Carlo Lippolis, Vito Messina (Turin University, Italy)

Seleucia on the Tigris. New Observations on the Landscape and City Layout

Gillian Ramsey Neugebauer (Campion College at the University of Regina, Canada)

The Hellenistic Poleis of Southern Babylonia and the Erythraean Sea

Catharine C. Lorber (USA)

Coin Hoards and Trade in the Seleucid East

Enrico Foietta (Turin University, Italy)

The Network of Routes in the Kingdom of Hatra

Marek Jan Olbrycht (Rzeszów University, Poland)

The Road Network in the Arsakid State

Frank Schleicher (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany)

Zum palmyrenischen Handelsnetz im Westen

Marta Żuchowska (Warsaw University, Poland)

Palmyra: the Centre of Textile Production and Trade?

Monika Schuol (Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany)

Adulis und Aksum: Global Players im Fernhandel der Antike?

Harry Falk (Berlin, Germany)

Maues, China, and the Replacement of the Indo-Greeks

Valentina Mordvintseva (Leipzig, Germany)

Kuban Elites and Main Trends in Their Outside Network Connections From the 3rd Century BC to the mid-3rd Century AD


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